The ITS1 PCR‐RFLP assay yielded the same results for the samples analysed with the different DNA‐extraction Kits and alternative incubation times. Elongate and pointed at head end. Abstract. 601 pp. Larval identification is based primarily on characteristics of mature 3rd instar larvae. E‐mail: Ceratitis capitata 3 Larva Described by Hardy (1949), Orian & Moutia (1960), Sabatino (1974), Berg (1979), Heppner (1985), Smith (1989), White & Elson-Harris (1992). White IM, Elson-Harris MM. LARVA TO PHARATE ADULT TRANSFORMATION IN THE MEDFLY CERATITIS CAPITATA (WIEDEMANN) (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) - Volume 124 Issue 6 - A. Rabossi, P. Wappner, L.A. Quesada- … Length 3.5–5 mm, yellowish with brown tinge, especially on abdomen, legs, and some markings on wings (Fig. Photograph by Scott Bauer, USDA. Oxon, UK. Apex of anal cell elongate. Soil Drenching: The soil under host trees with fruit known or suspected to be infested with medfly larvae and host trees under adjacent properties will be treated. The shape of the interior sclerotizations of the dorsal wing plate and the hood of the pharyngeal plate are also distinctive for the species. Caudal spiracles in characteristic, almost parallel, pattern not on raised surface and without black ring or semicircles. Incidence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in Florida, 1929-1998. When it has been detected in Florida, California, and Texas, especially in recent years, each infestation necessitated intensive and massive eradication and detection procedures so that the pest did not become established. 1984. The parastomium is prominent. The anterior spiracles have the tubule edge relatively straight dorsally and the tubule number usually is nine to 10, although it can be from seven to 11. Some hosts have been recorded as medfly hosts only under laboratory conditions and may not be attacked in the field. Amplification is performed in a Peltier‐type thermocycler with heated lid, e.g. Two minutes at 94°C, 35 cycles of 1 min at 94°C, 30 s at 63°C, and 1 min at 72°C, followed by a final extension for 10 min at 72°C and quickly cooled to room temperature. Eggs are deposited under the skin of fruit which is just beginning to ripen, often in an area where some break in the skin already has occurred. Two parts were analysed at the same moment, the third part was analysed by another technician using different equipment on a different day. The Mediterranean fruit fly. An adult Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), emerging from a puparium. An analytical sensitivity of 1.1 ng C. capitata DNA was found. The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. The duration of the egg stage is considerably increased by lower temperatures. Figure 8. Ceratitis capitata eggs and pupae have not been tested. Details on its current geographical distribution are available in the EPPO Database Plant Quarantine data Retrieval system (EPPO, 2011). The light areas have very fine white bristles. The two medfly eradication programs in Florida. These fruits include but are not limited to akee, star apple, oranges, grapefruit, guava, mango, plum, and pears. Photograph by Jeffery Lotz, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry. 1918. A female Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), pumps eggs through her ovipositor into the soft outer layers of a ripe coffee berry. PCR products are viewed and photographed under UV light. The anal lobe is either bifid or entire. 1918. Register. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Photograph by Scott Bauer, USDA. Hardy DE. Additional information on trapping is available in EPPO/CABI (1997). Males of C. capitata are easily distinguished from all other species of this family (see Appendix 1) by the characteristic diamond‐shaped (capitate) expansion at the apex of the anterior pair of orbital bristles (Fig. Starting material used for the DNA‐extraction consisted of legs of adult specimens. Lateral view of a mature larva of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Graphic by Division of Plant Industry. Reaction mixes containing TaqI are incubated for 1 h or overnight at 65°C. Eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Entomological Society of America. Host preferences vary in different regions. The thorax is creamy white to yellow with a characteristic pattern of black blotches. Postpronotum (humerus) white, with distinct black spot. Larva For identification of the third-instar larva, see White and Elson-Harris (1994). Other procedures can also be used. Larval identification is extremely difficult, so that when feasible it is best to rear them to adults for identification. Abdomen oval, yellow, with silverish bands on posterior margins of terga two and four and with fine black bristles scattered on dorsal surface. (especially peaches, P. persica). Photograph by Ken Walker, Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; The length of time required for the medfly to complete its life cycle under typical Florida summer weather conditions, and on which eradication schedules in Florida are based, is 21 to 30 days. Characters of the larvae and pupae of certain fruit flies. Photograph by USDA. Back and Pemberton (1915) noted that this period may be increased to at least 19 days when the daily temperature means drop to about 69 to 71°F (20.6 to 21.7°C). E‐mail: The analytical sensitivity was determined using five C. capitata larvae. (Note that this key adapted from White & Elson‐Harris (1992) is not exhaustive. There is a wide brownish yellow band across middle of wing. Micropylar region distinctly tubercular. Life cycle of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), from left to right: adult, pupa, larva and eggs. 0.5 μL 10 Units restriction enzyme, final amount 5 Units. Ceratitis capitata larvae, see White & Elson -Harris (1992), but it should be noted that this key is based on old and inadequate descriptions and does not include all Ceratitis spp. 6). Photograph by Anne-Sophie Roy, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization; 13 pp. It is likely that the test will work equally well on eggs and pupae, but no validation data is available to support this. Adult Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), feeding on a cotton wick soaked with a bait-dye mixture. The dorsal wing plate is nearly as long as the pharyngeal plate. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: Host status of ‘Scifresh’ apples to the invasive fruit fly species Bactrocera Dorsalis, Zeugodacus Cucurbitae, and Ceratitis Capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae),, Subcostal vein abruptly bent and dorsal side of vein R1 with setulae (, Subcostal vein not abruptly bent or dorsal side of vein R1 lacks setulae, Cell cup with sinuous extension (as shown in, Scutellum yellow‐white basally, apically with three merged black spots (, Wing with apex of vein M not covered by a diagonal coloured band (, Wing with apex of vein M covered by a diagonal crossband. Photograph by USDA. Larvae of Ceratitis capitata were tested for preference for different diets based on the ingredients of the standard diet used to rear flies in the laboratory. Usually about 50% of the flies die during the first two months after emergence. Molecular biological identification is performed by using a PCR‐RFLP method based on ITS1 primers described by Douglas and Haymer (2001), and can be used to confirm morphological examination of adults and larvae. The species originated in sub-Saharan Africa and is not known to be established in the continental United States. C. capitata has been recorded feeding on over 300 host plants. This standard describes a diagnostic protocol for Ceratitis capitata.11 Graphic by Division of Plant Industry. Photograph by Peggy Greb, USDA; larvae and emerged adults of Ceratitis capitata. Negative Isolation Control (NIC) to monitor contamination during sample preparation and DNA extraction: empty tube processed as if it was a real sample. PCR cycling parameters. 5). A primary method of collecting larvae is by cutting infested fruit. During June–August 2010, the largest outbreak since the 1997-1998 infestations was discovered and eradicated in Palm Beach County in the Boca Raton area (FDACS 2010a, 2010c); California in 1975, and periodically since 1980. During warm weather eggs hatch in 1.5 to three days. (especially peaches, P. persica ). 1949. Infested fruits should be placed in a container that has a gauze or muslin top and dry medium at its base, such as sterilized sawdust or sand, in which emerging larvae can pupate. The pharyngeal skeleton is distinctive in overall configuration, particularly the enlarged subhypostomium of the hypostomium (posterior to each mouth hook). Mediterranean fruit fly not present in New Zealand. Pupa: The pupa is cylindrical, 4 to 4.3 mm long, dark reddish brown, and resembles a swollen grain of wheat. In the EPPO region, important hosts include apples (Malus pumila), avocados (Persea americana), Citrus spp, figs (Ficus carica), kiwifruits (Actinidia deliciosa), mangoes (Mangifera indica), medlars (Mespilus germanica), pears (Pyrus communis), and Prunus spp. Larvae and/or (parts of) adults (e.g. Ceratitis hispanica De Brême A C. capitata specimen is identified when the PCR product is digested as follows: DraI: 400, 350, 170 and 100 bp, HinfI: 900 and 120 bp, SspI: 510, 230, 150, 100 and 30 bp and TaqI: 480, 470 and 70 bp. When larvae are to be preserved, they should be placed in boiling water for a few seconds and then transferred to 70% ethanol. Drawing by G.J. When the eggs hatch, the larvae promptly begin eating. Figure 20. Guidelines on reporting and documentation are given in EPPO Standard PM7/77 (1) Documentation and reporting on a diagnosis. Adults die within four days if they cannot obtain food. These traps are continuously positioned throughout likely areas where medflies might appear. 5.0 μL 10 × reaction buffer, minus Mg (Invitrogen) final concentration 1 ×. The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is one of the world's most destructive fruit pests. Crushing of the insect in a lysis buffer (provided by manufacturer) prior to DNA extraction is required. Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) Tephritis capitata Wiedemann, Ceratitis citriperda MacLeay, Ceratitis hispanica Breme, Pardalaspis asparagi Bezzi Mediterranean fruit fly, Med fly. Abstract A meridic diet (Ceratitis capitata #1) containing corncob as a bulking agent was developed and found comparable to diets currently used for rearing the larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). 4). Adults emerge in largest numbers early in the morning during warm weather and emerge more sporadically during cool weather. The biology and identification of trypetid larvae (Diptera: Trypetidae). The duration of the larval stage was longer and larval mortality higher in Granny Smith and Red Delicious than in Golden Delicious.The pupal development period The Mediterranean fruit fly attacks more than 260 different fruits, flowers, vegetables, and nuts. If you have any feedback concerning this Diagnostic Protocol, or any of the tests included, or if you can provide additional validation data for tests included in this protocol that you wish to share please contact As an enormous threat to world trade in horticultural products, they cause massive damage to fruits and vegetables every year. Agropee. Papadopoulos NT. The kind and condition of the fruit often influence the length of the larval stage. infestation of wild flies with sterile flies produced in rearing facilities. 2), rear view maggot (posterior view and lateral view of posterior end), and shape and arrangement of caudal spiracles. Nucleotides are used at a final concentration of 0.2 mM each. South Africa currently exports fresh citrus (Citrus spp.) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean Fruit Fly) - Biology and Ecology. Cubital band black, straight and free. Because of its wide distribution over the world, its ability to tolerate cooler cli… Development in egg, larval, and pupal stages stops at 50°F (10°C). Humeral bristles present. Paradalaspis asparagi Bezzi Although larvae are described below, identification based on this stage is not recommended. Berg GH. Adults and/or larvae serve as input for DNA extraction. The cephalo-pharyngeal skeleton has a large convex mouth hook each side, approximately 2X hypostome in length. Tephritis capitata Wiedemann 1981 (publication date not given). Stephenson DP. Reaction mixes containing DraI, HinfI and SspI are incubated for 1 h or overnight at 37°C. Reinfestations in the same areas leads some experts to believe the California infestion was never eradicated but was instead reduced to subdetectable levels that periodically resurface (Dawson et al. Rotting of the underlying tissue causes a depression on the surface. For the 2010 infestation, the following treatments are being used by FDACS-DPI and the USDA (FDACS 2010b): Foliar Spot Treatments: Spraying trees with Spinosad (product FG-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait) which is an insecticide derived from a naturally occurring soil organism. The apex of the wing's anal cell is elongate. However, they can be easily distinguished by the pattern on the scutellum (Figs 8 and 9). In Florida, Inspectors from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Division of Plant Industry continually monitor the traps for the appearance of pest fruit flies. Figure 22. For identification of the Family Tephritidae, see Papp & Darvas (2000). van de Vossenberg, National Reference Laboratory, PO Box 9102, 6700HC Wageningen, the Netherlands. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, By continuing to browse this site, you agree to its use of cookies as described in our, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use, Contribution to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera, Volume 1, Fruit Flies of Economic Significance: their identification and bionomics. The hypostomium has prominent, rounded subhypostomium; post-hypostomial plates curved dorsally to the dorsal bridge, fused with sclerotized rays of central area of dorsal wing plate. Globally, one of the most damaging horticultural insect pests is the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) . Minimum duration of the pupal stage is six to 13 days when the mean temperature ranges from about 76 to 79°F (24.4 to 26.1°C). Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. We investigated the biology and constructed a fertility life table for A. pelleranoi reared on larvae of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). This species is widespread and may be found anywhere from sea level to mountainous areas (over 2,133 m in elevation). The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is a major pest in horticulture. A single-dose test was performed on neonate larvae (25 µL/g) and adult (333.33 µL/g), when three doses of They can fly short distances, but winds may carry them a mile or more away. Pupation, adult emergence and sex ratios of survived flies were investigated to study 6). (17 July 2001). Figure 9. Anterior spiracles in characteristic, almost parallel, pattern not on raised surface, and without rings or semicircles; typically bears 7–10 lobes or digits in a simple arc or nearly straight line. A Manual of the Insects of the Hawaiian Islands, including an Enumeration of the Species and the Notes on their Origin, Distribution, Hosts, Parasites, etc. Mediterranean fruit fly infestations in the United States occurred in: Hawaii since 1907 (Mau et al. Steck and B.D. pp. Biology of fruit flies. Larval life may be as short as six to 10 days when the mean temperatures average 77 to 79°F (25 to 26.1°C). There is no successful control program of this pest fly in the endemic Argan forest in Morocco. San Salvador: Organ. The analytical specificity was determined using 13 C. capitata specimens from different localities, and 89 specimens from 24 species belonging to the genera Anastrepha, Bactrocera, Ceratitis, Delia and Rhagoletis. There is a heavily sclerotized dorsal bridge point at the anterior of the dorsal wing plate. Wing markings very characteristic (Fig. Larvae examined came from verified samples from Florida, Hawaii, and Portugal (all are in the larval collection of the Museum of Entomology, Florida State Collection of Arthropods). Head is to the right. The Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) Gary J. Steck, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry INTRODUCTION: The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is one of the world’s most destructive fruit pests. The molecular part was drafted by Mr B.T.L.H. Cooperative Mediterranean Fruit Fly Project (California). ... revealing the fruit in the gut. Fruit Stripping: Fruit will be stripped from all host trees on a known larval properties and within 200 meters (656 feet). 105. Dilutions of DNA extracts were prepared and tested according to the ITS1 PCR‐RFLP assay. Dorsocentral bristles slightly posterior to anterior supra‐alar. The older version of the trap used a protein bait that captured large numbers of non-target insects. Learn about our remote access options. For identification of the family Tephritidae, see Stehr (1991); for identification of the genera and species Ceratitis capitata larvae, see White & Elson‐Harris (1992), but it should be noted that this key is based on old and inadequate descriptions and does not include all Ceratitis spp. fruit to Japan using an in-transit cold treatment protocol of 14 d or 12 d at temperatures <0°C for treatment of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in ‘Clementine’ mandarins (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and other citrus types, respectively. Larvae leave the fruit in largest numbers at or just after daybreak and pupate in the soil or whatever is available. Copulation may occur at any time throughout the day. Once it is established, eradication efforts may be extremely difficult and expensive. 2.0 μL reverse primer ITS1‐B9 (10 μM), final concentration 0.4 μM. Graphic by Division of Plant Industry. Male anterior pair of orbital bristles different (, Anterior pair of orbital bristles modified with apical end dark and diamond‐shaped, Anterior pair of orbital bristles not modified (. Light areas have very fine white bristles. A female medfly will lay one to 10 eggs in an egg cavity 1 mm deep, may lay as many as 22 eggs per day, and may lay as many as 800 eggs during her lifetime (usually about 300). Basal part with characteristic pattern of streaks and spots typical of genus. Fruit in a hard or semiripe condition is better for oviposition than fully ripened fruit. Figure 5. Morphological identification is only reliable based on characteristics of the adult specimen. Christenson LD, Foote RH. Attacked fruit will often have puncture marks made by the female’s ovipositor. 1977. Aganaspis pelleranoi (Bréthes) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) is an important fruit fly parasitoid native to the Neotropics. At first tunnels are formed by the feeding larvae. Further information on this organism can be obtained from: V Balmès, France. Its duration depends on conditions, season and temperatures and lasts from 21 to 100 days. Conley KL. Sutton, Division of Plant Industry. The caudal end has bifurcate or paired dorsal papillules (D1 and D2) on small mount of relatively flat plate; intermediate papillules (I1-2) as a line of fused elevations on a very enlarged subspiracular tubercle, plus a remote I3 at approximately 45 degrees from I1-2; L1 on the median edge of the caudal end; V1 not prominent; posterior spiracles elongate (4.5 to 5X width), with dorsal and ventral spiracles angled away from relatively planar median spiracle; interspiracular processes (hairs) usually not branched; anal lobe bifid or entire. Primers described by Douglas and Haymer (2001) located in the 18S and 5.8S regions spanning the ITS1 region: forward primer ITS1‐F5 (5′‐ CAC GGT TGT TTC GCA AAA GTT G – 3′) and reverse primer ITS1‐B9 (5′‐ TGC AGT TCA CAC GAT GAC GCA C – 3′), each used at a final concentration of 0.4 μM. The adults are readily recognisable by external morphology, particularly thoracic and wing patterns (White and Elson-Harris, 1994). Head with accessory teeth near oral hooks. of economic importance. Native to sub‐Saharan Africa, Ceratitis capitata has spread to Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, North Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East, Western Australia and to parts of Central South and North America. Length of 1st instar larva 1 mm or less, body mostly transparent; 2nd instar body partially transparent; fully grown 3rd instar 6.8–8.2 mm, body fully opaque white or colour of ingested food. Ayers EL. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of Moroccan Bt strains against neonate larvae, third instar larvae and emerged adults of Ceratitis capitata. The assay is designed to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 sequences of C. capitata. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Ceratitis capitata extension of cell cup. Go! For a reliable test result to be obtained, the following (external) controls should be included for each series of nucleic acid isolation and amplification of the target organism. Studies in Hawaiian fruit flies. 1960. Primers are not specific for C. capitata and have been found to amplify the ITS1 region from species belonging to the genera Anastrepha, Bactrocera, Ceratitis, Delia and Rhagoletis. The repeatability and reproducibility were determined using six C. capitata from a puparium of modified bristles with spatulate... One female adult can lay as many as 800 eggs during its lifetime the apex of the can! Mouth hook each side, approximately 2X hypostome in length microtrichiae, black spots ( Fig the tissue! Linquist DA using the C. capitata specimens were consistent and unique to target species, please call the toll-free fruit... And larval stage adult male Mediterranean fruit fly larvae is mediated by bacterial decay in the region. 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