The Lamiaceae is a family of plant Diagnostic value of carpological characteristics of Lamiaceae Lindl. The flowers are clustered in whorls at the end of the flowering stalks or in the junctions of leaves and stems. Photographed near Kettle Falls, Washington. The mint family (Lamiaceae) is known for its aromatic members, especially the mints and balms. Monardella odoratissima. 2.10 Lamiaceae (Labiatae) 2.11 Lauraceae 2.12 Malvaceae 2.13 Meliaceae 2.14 Moraceae 2.15 Musaceae 2.16 Myrtaceae 2.17 Oleaceae 2.18 Pinaceae 2.19 Piperaceae 2.20 Poaceae 2.21 Rosaceae 2.22 Rubiaceae 2.23 Rutaceae 2.24 Solanaceae 2.25 Vitaceae 3. absence of aromatic smell, typically quadriangular stem, verticellaster inflorescence, gynobasic style, quadrilocular ovary. Fort Bowie National Historic Monument. Mentha arvensis. If you pick a plant with a distinctly square stalk and simple, opposite leaves, then it is very likely a member of the Mint family. members of this family may be herbs, shrubs or small trees ; leaves are usually strongly aromatic ; stems are square in cross-section ; the mauve, purple or white flowers are irregular ; Two common genera of the family Lamiaceae are: Medicinally this family is rich in volatile oils, especially menthol, often used as the penetrating vapors in cough drops. It is the simplest and most elementary group found in a society. If you already know what group your plant is in, start with the clickable plant map to find your plant more quickly. This is a large plant family of mostly shrubs and herbs, distributed all over the world. Rhizobium spp. Pony, Montana. Stems and branches usually 4-angled. They have both pollen-bearing and ovule-bearing parts and are zygomorphic (bilaterally symmetrical). Alliaceae family characteristics pdf editor >> READ ONLINE..... lamiaceae family. Lamiaceae Lamiaceae See list of 35 genera in this family Choose this genus Scutellaria. They are perennial with pungent flower due to the presence of sulfur compound. The original family name is Labiatae, so given because the flowers typically have petals fused into an upper lip and a lower lip. amaranthaceae. It is an annual herb, normally about 1 m high, having branched quadrangular stems, and opposite leaves with a 40-mm petiole. The large Lamiaceae (formerly Labiatae) is found worldwide, with great diversity in California, Mexico, and the Mediterranean region • … Lamiophlomis rotata. UNESCO – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS ECONOMIC BOTANY - … UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION PLACER & NEVADA COUNTIES VEGETABLE PLANT Page FAMILIES 3 AMARANTHACEAE: AMARANTH or PIGWEED FAMILY Amaranths, celosias. Drummond's false pennyroyal. Monarda fistulosa. The petals are also fused together at the base, usually with 2 of the 5 lobes forming an upper lip of the flower, and the other 3 lobes forming a lower lip. Lamiaceae is distributed nearly worldwide, and many species are cultivated for their fragrant leaves and attractive flowers. Acanthus ilicifolius: 4.6 Lamiaceae. We depend on Life form, leaf size, leaf shape, and phenology of the plants were observed [26–28]. Methods of Analysis They are particularly noted as aromatic flavoring ingredients in cuisines worldwide, accounting for many of our most important culinary herbs. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution. Return to the Plant Families IndexReturn to the Wildflowers & Weeds Home Page. The use of essential oils with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to increase the shelf life of food is a promising technology, and the essential oils of the Lamiaceae family, such as rosemary, thyme, and sage, have been extensively studied with respect to their use as food preservatives. Antimicrobial Activities of African Medicinal Spices and Vegetables . Page topic: "Characteristics of Kombucha fermentation on medicinal herbs from Lamiaceae family". Chenopodiaceae) AMARANTH FAMILY Herbs or shrubs (rarely trees or vines), often reddish, many salt-loving plants (halophytes) Stems often succulent, and/or jointed Leaves alternate, simple (A) No stipules Flowers small, actinomorphic (B) Sepals usually 3-5, free or fused basally, surrounding the fruit (C) Petals absent The Lamiaceae is a big family for culinary flavors and many members have characteristic smells including Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Oregano (Origanum vulgare), Marjoram (Origanum majorana), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Lavender (Lavandula spp. Be sure to smell it too, since many species of the family are loaded with aromatic volatile oils. These are present in the Lamiaceae. Cultural Characteristics: Very hardy, drought tolerant, … Primitive Living Skills | Outdoor Wilderness Living School, LLC Lamiaceae Plants of the Mint Family(also known as Labiatae) If you pick a plant with a distinctly square stalk and simple, opposite leaves, then it is very likely a member of the Mint family. Quite a few species belongs this family are aromatic (Werker et al., 1985). Most (not all) of our species have a 4-angled (“square”) stem (but square stems occur in several other families as well), and all have simple opposite leaves. Nepeta and Denver, Colorado. The Lamiaceae or Labiatae are a family of flowering plants with a cosmopolitan distribution containing about 236 genera and has been stated to contain 6900–7200 species. Marrubium vulgare. Westringia blakeana. Lamiaceae Lindley 唇形科 chun xing ke Authors: Xi-wen Li & Ian C. Hedge. They are normally herbs or … Horehound is not native to North America, but it often escapes cultivation. Lamiaceae, formerly called Labiatae, the mint family of flowering plants, with 236 genera and more than 7,000 species, the largest family of the order Lamiales. Family Lamiaceae – Mint family : Contains 76 Genera and 765 accepted taxa overall : Down one level : Genus Acanthomintha (A. Agastache urticifolia. Monardella odoratissima. If you're not sure what to do from here, take a look at this Help page for instructions. Web World Portal | Web World Tunnel It is distributed all over the world. is a platform for academics to share research papers. It is closely related to the Lamiaceae, but distinguished by a number of characters e.g. Also, their essential oils have antimicrobial, spasmolytic, carminative, anticancerogenic and other activities [14]. Cultural Characteristics: Many common diseases and pests: tobacco mosaic, verticillium and fusarium fungi, and nematodes. For identification, the most distinctive pattern of the Parsley family is the "compound umbels". characteristics of the family Lamiaceae of Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Izhar Ahmad1, Samin Jan1, Afroza Begum2 and Sher Wali3* 1. Lamiaceae or Labiatae, also called as the mint family, is a family of flowering plants. © 1997 - 2019 Thomas J. Elpel. Horsemint or Wild Bergamont. Quadrangular stem and aromatic smell. Title: ��Microsoft Word - Lamiaceae.published.rtf Author: ��Administrator Created Date: 12/17/2005 8:31:29 AM Lamiaceae are characterized as herbs or shrubs, often aromatic with ethereal oils, with usually four-sided stems, opposite or whorled leaves, a verticillaster, or thyrse inflorescence (flower solitary and axillary in some), and zygomorphic (rarely actinomorphic), usually bilabiate flowers having a superior ovary, often deeply four-lobed by formation of false septum with a gynobasic style. Amaranthaceae s. lat. Arizona. Near Virginia City, Montana. Monarda sp. Photographed along the Jefferson River in southwest Montana. Worldwide there are about 180 genera in the Mint Family representing some 3500 species. Lamiaceae, or Lamiales, also known as the mint family, is a family of flowering plants. Notice in the illustration that there are 5 sepals, all fused together so that only the tips are separate. All images and text © (lAMIAceAe) Muhittin Dinç 1 & Süleyman Doğu 2 Abstract. Stachys palustris. Large family of economic importance. Credit: Harvard University Herbaria: Herbs, sometimes subshrubs or shrubs, annual or perennial, usually aromatic. You can safely sample any member of the Mint family. Photographed in the Seven Devils Mountains of Idaho. agavaceae. The Plant List includes 22,486 scientific plant names of species rank for the family Lamiaceae. All rights reserved. AnAtoMIcAl chAracterIstIcs of turkIsh steno-endeMIc Origanum leptOcladum BoIss. Calyx with a small, but evident, tranverse ridge on the upper side, the upper lip deciduous in fruit [Fig. Go Botany: Native Plant Trust Lamiaceae This is a large, well-known family. Spearmint is not native to North America, but it often escapes cultivation. Lamiaceae species are promising potential sources of natural antioxidants, owing to their high polyphenol content. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled or alternate, simple to pinnately dissected or compound, without stipules. The plants are found in temperate and tropical regions. Key Words: Square stalks and opposite leaves, often aromatic. Characteristics and economic importance of family Liliaceae. This oil is important in pesticide, pharmaceutical, flavouring, perfumery, fragrance and cosmetic industries [3]. 18, No. HOPS Press, LLC | Dirt Cheap Builder Books Characteristics and occurrence of Phoma spp. Chia belongs to the Labiatae or Lamiaceae family (mint family). Most (not all) of our species have a 4-angled (“square”) stem (but square stems occur in several other families as well), and all have simple opposite leaves. The Lamiaceae family has great economic value, as it contains several horticultural species, most of which are used as culinary herbs like salvia, rosemary, ocimum, mint, Leonotis, etc. Department of Botany, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal, Dir (U) *Corresponding author’s email: Citation Izhar … amaryllidaceae. The family is closely allied to Acanthaceae from which it can be distinguished by the following features: 1. Medicinal herbs from Lamiaceae family have a wide range of biological and pharmacological activities, so they are used for improving the flavour and organoleptic properties of different types of food. Created by: Dolores Ray. The leaves are oval to oblong, almost smooth, with few pubescens that are whitish and very short. Arizona. Most species contain aromatic oils, associated with resinous dots on the leaves and other organs. The Lamiaceae plant family is one of the largest families among the dicotyledons, many species belonging to the family being highly aromatic, due to the presence of external glandular structures that produce volatile oil [2]. The family is known for culinary herbs such as basil, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme. It is a large family. allium sativum. The most known members of this family are a variety of aromatic spices like thyme, mint, oregano, basil, sage, savory, rosemary, self-heal, hyssop, lemon balm, and some others with more limited use [ 31 ]. These spicy oils are stimulating and warming, causing the body to open up and sweat; so most of these plants are listed as diaphoretic in herbal books. Eating a few Mint leaves after drinking from a creek certainly won't kill everything in the water, but it sure helps. LAMIACEAE (formerly LABIATAE) - The Mint Family. Many of the plants are aromatic in all parts and include widely used culinary herbs. The Lamiaceae family, one of the most important herbal families, incorporates a wide variety of plants with biological and medical applications. Yellowstone National Park. Conclusions Appendix Glossary Bibliography Biographical Sketch . Alliaceae family characteristics pdf editor >> DOWNLOAD. Lamiaceae or Labiatae, also called as the mint family, is a family of flowering plants. the ethnobotanical characteristics of the plants collected through oral interviews and questionnaires. The family Lamiaceae has a number of species. Characteristics . This family consists of 258 genera and 3500 species on the earth (Duarte and Lopes, 2007), out of which 45 genera and 546 species are distributed in Turkey (Davis, 1982). Native Plant Trust or respective copyright holders. Field Mint. Chia. – giant hyssop P: Genus Ajuga L. – bugle P: Genus Ballota L. – horehound P: Genus Blephilia Raf. Some Mint flowers are much more irregular than others, but if you study them closely you will see that they typically have 2 petal lobes up and 3 petal lobes down. Tongue River, Montana. Most of its members are herbaceous plants with SIMPLE, OPPOSITE leaves and SQUARE STEMS. Giant hyssop flowers. Hedge Nettle. March 1, 2018 Sushil Humagain Biology, Botany 0. There are 2 or 4 stamens and an ovary with 2 carpels. Lycopus uniflorus. ), and of course mint, peppermint, and spearmint. Skullcap. Marrubium vulgare. Gray) A. Agastache urticifolia. Statistics. This family is commonly known as Lily family. The Lamiaceae (/ ˌ l eɪ m i ˈ eɪ s i aɪ,-iː / LAY-mee-AY-see-e(y)e) or Labiatae are a family of flowering plants commonly known as the mint or deadnettle or sage family. The Mint Family Characteristics Where? donations to help keep this site free and up to date for About this page. 1a. Scutellaria galericulata. 2. Common plants of the family: 1. It is the smallest and most basic social unit, which is also the most important primary group found in any society. mint family Species in the Lamiaceae are herbs or shrubs with distinctively 4-sided stems. The following is a list of some of the major genera and species in the mint family, arranged alphabetically by common name. Request PDF | Characteristics of kombucha fermentation on medicinal herbs from Lamiaceae family | Kombucha is a traditional beverage obtained by … Horehound. A fever is the body's way of "cooking" the microorganisms that cause infections. Language: english. The leaves and stems of many species have a strong scent when crushed. Research Highlights: This is the first review of existing knowledge on the Lamiaceae taxa of Greece, considering their distribution patterns and their linkage to the ecosystem services they may provide. Tamokou, ... V. Kuete, in Medicinal Spices and Vegetables from Africa, 2017. The Mint Family (Lamiaceae of order Lamiales) is a worldwide family, including a huge number of herbs, a lot of small shrubs, and a few medium to very large trees. Background and Objectives: While nature-based solutions are sought in many fields, the Lamiaceae family is well-known as an important ecosystem services provider. Looking for life-changing resources? Note that there are a handful of other plants with square stems and opposite leaves, which may be confused with the Mints. Lycopus asper. Visit this family in the Family: Meaning, Characteristics, Function and Types! It includes many well-known herbs (Mint, Sage, Thyme, Basil), ornamental plants (Coleus, Leonotis) and weeds (Henbit, Ground Ivy, Self-Heal). Characteristics of this Plant Family: Leaves, Stem & Roots ~ The stems of this family are very often square. The Mint Family (Lamiaceae of order Lamiales) is a worldwide family, including a huge number of herbs, a lot of small shrubs, and a few medium to very large trees.They are particularly noted as aromatic flavoring ingredients in cuisines worldwide, accounting for many of our most important culinary herbs. LAMIACEAE: THE MINT FAMILY A FRAGRANT FAMILY IMPORTANT FOR MEDICINAL AND CULINARY PURPOSES. Prefers rich, damp soil, lots of organic matter. The study materials were … As you become proficient at identifying members of the Mint family by their square stalks, opposite leaves, and spicy aroma, you should also familiarize yourself with the flowers. Mountain Coyote Mint. Spearmint. Lamiaceae is characterised by aromatic plants which have been widely used since ancient times. and of course all the mints which tend to be (Mentha spp. In addition, increasing scientific and epidemiological evidence have associated consumption of foods rich in polyphenols with health benefits such as decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases mediated through anti-inflammatory effects. Chatfield State Park. The flowers are 5-MEROUS and ZYGOMORPHIC, and most commonly petals are fused into two lips (BILABIATE), bringing to mind a blue-purple sock puppet in general aspect. The leaves are opposite or may be arranged in a whorl. This property can help you break a fever. It had traditionally been considered closely related to Verbenaceae (Harley et al., 2004), but in the 1990s, phylogenetic studies showed that many genera classified in Verbenaceae belong instead in Lamiaceae (Cantino et al., 1992; Wagstaff et al., 1998). Description: Simple, alternate or opposite leaves; often pubescent flowers, usually in spikes or racemes.Weeds and vegetables. Hedeoma drummondii. The Lamiales are an order in the asterid group of dicotyledonous flowering plants.It includes about 23,810 species, 1,059 genera, and is divided into about 24 families.Well-known or economically important members of this order include lavender, lilac, olive, jasmine, the ash tree, teak, snapdragon, sesame, psyllium, garden sage, and a number of table herbs such as mint, basil, and rosemary INTRODUCTION. Biology Department, University of York, UK, YO10 5DD 3. Ocimum basilicum Mentpa viridis (mint) Lavendula vera (Lavender) Salvia splendens. Check out these books by Thomas J. Elpel: Return to Thomas J. Elpel's As you learn these patterns of the Mint family you will be able to recognize and use them anywhere in the world. with seven species is known as the riches genus in Lamiaceae family, distributed in an area of 16322 km2 in Mazandaran province. Set alert. It includes many well-known herbs (Mint, Sage, Thyme, Basil), ornamental plants (Coleus, Leonotis) and weeds (Henbit, Ground Ivy, Self-Heal). – acinos P: Genus Agastache Clayton ex Gronov. Results and Discussion The plants belonging to family lamiaceaeare widely distributed throughout the research areae. Please e-mail Thomas J. Elpel to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants. LAMIACEAE (formerly LABIATAE) - The Mint Family. For the beginning botanist, that is all you really need to remember: "square stalks with opposite leaves, and usually aromatic". Discover thousands of New England plants. FABACEAE (LEGUMINOSAE) PEA or BEAN FAMILY Peas, green/string beans, fava beans, hyacinth bean, cowpea, peanut. alliaceae pronunciation. Plant family: lamiaceae . Be sure to smell it too, since many species of the family are loaded with aromatic volatile oils. The rich, spicy quality of these plants makes them useful in cooking, and nearly half the spices in your kitchen come from this one family, including basil, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, germander, thyme, savory, horehound, plus culinary sage (but not sagebrush! Hedge Nettle. Family: Lamiaceae; Labiatae; Common name: mint family [Zomlefer, pp. Commonly known as the mint family, and formerly called labiatae, lamiaceae is a huge collection of garden plants that includes 236 genera and over 7,000 species. obtained results, the medicinal species of Lamiaceae family in Mazandaran province contain 23 species, belonging to 11 genera among which Stachys spp. Family Lamiaceae – Mint family : Contains 76 Genera and 765 accepted taxa overall : Down one level : Genus Acanthomintha (A. Advertisement Lamiaceae plants are found all over the world and many are familiar garden herbs such as lavender, basil, mint, oregano, thyme and rosemary . The ovary is ± strongly 4-lobed, producing (if all ovules are fertilized) 4 nutlets. This mint has the most amazing smell! Fort Bowie National Historic Monument. Wildflowers & Weeds | Jefferson River Canoe TrailRoadmap To Reality | What's New? Lamiaceae Plants of the Mint Family(also known as Labiatae) If you pick a plant with a distinctly square stalk and simple, opposite leaves, then it is very likely a member of the Mint family. Mentha spicata. Your help is appreciated. The 5 petals are also fused together, but note how asymmetrical or "irregular" the flowers are, compared to the more symmetrical or "regular" Mustard flowers. These plants are normally grown or cultivated for vegetable purpose. Be sure to smell it too, since many species of the family are loaded with aromatic volatile oils. is an endemic East Mediterranean element, naturally growing only in Ermenek district of Karaman province in Turkey. Allium is classified in family Alliaceae although some classifications have included it in A strong “oniony” odor is … liliaceae. Characteristics of Kombucha fermentation on medicinal herbs from Lamiaceae family 8036 Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. Inside the flower there are 4 stamens, with one pair longer than the other. Some species like the Coleus, a house plant with red and green leaves, have no aroma at all, while a patch of the more potent Agastache may bring tears to your eyes just passing through. Horehound. Meaning: The family is an intimate domestic group made up of people related to one another by bonds of blood, sexual mating or legal ties. Download as PDF. Department of Botany, Islamia College Peshawar 2. Giant hyssop (after the petals have fallen). The influence of wood (incl. LamiaceaePlants of the Mint Family(also known as Labiatae). Can you please help us? on herbs from the family Lamiaceae 217 _____ Hortorum Cultus 10(2) 2011 the colony and the colour of the … On camping trips I often use aromatic Mints to help purify questionable water. Members are a source of essential oils for the flavouring and perfume industries, for example the widely cultivated lavender, Lavandula. Acta Sci. Northern Bugleweed. Lamiaceae is a family of flowering plants commonly known as the Mint or Deadnettle family. Turkish people consume The aim of this study is to determine anatomical features of the species. Thomas J. Elpel's Web World Pages Approximately 50 genera are found in North America. The family Lamiaceae, ... Ecological characteristics of plants depend upon altitude, climate, and related environmental conditions. Of these 7,852 are accepted species names. Volatile oils are also highly lethal to microorganisms. Carolina Bogmint: Lumber river Horsemint: Lumber river Savannah Mountain Mint: Coastal plain, southeast Meehan's Mint: Coastal plains, northeast Hoary Skullcap: Appalachian mountains Habitat Native North Carolina Species Highly adaptable in Exploring the Lamiaceae plant family and its essential oils 04/07/2018 Christine Fisk MSc 2204 All Blog Articles Natural Health & Beauty Christine Fisk Articles You may recall that last month, I started a series on plant families and essential oils and provided an overview on this fascinating but complicated topic. February 2014 CITATION 1 READS 68 1 author: Beata Zimowska University of Life Sciences in Lublin 33 PUBLICATIONS 89 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Beata Zimowska Retrieved on: 18 May 2016. The leaves are opposite or may be arranged in a whorl. In fact, the Parsley family is among the most important families of plants to learn, since it includes the deadliest plants in North America: poison hemlock and water hemlock. Sage (Salvia spp.) It also has an economic value. Family Lamiaceae . Ethnobotany is the cultural relationship among plants, people, and environment. Several phytoconstituents from plant origin have been extensively studied and developed into drugs which are widely accepted. you. Salvia columbaraie. The plant kingdom provides several options for alternative treatment of diseases. J.D.D. family some species June 2017 Conference: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM “CONSERVATION OF PLANT DIVERSITY” – giant hyssop P: Genus Ajuga L. – bugle P: Genus Ballota L. – horehound P: Genus Blephilia Raf. Those plants are found in the Loosestrife, Verbena and Stinging Nettle families, but none of them smell minty. Gray) A. 2021 This is a large plant family of mostly shrubs and herbs, distributed all over the world. ). But adapted technology, including information on substrates is required. A total of 35 species belonging to 21 genera of the family Lamiaceae were collected from the research area. ), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Bee balm (Monarda spp.) Gray – thorn-mint P: Genus Acinos Mill. LAMIACEAE (mint family) The Lamiaceae are anything but lame. The leaves and stems of many species have a strong scent when crushed. Mountain Coyote Mint. in part by the National Science Foundation. Photographed along the northern California coast. Using a diaphoretic herb can help raise a mild fever just high enough to "cook" a virus, thus "breaking" or ending the fever. Common species. The mint family, formerly known as labiateae, harbors an amazing number of plants that grow in our gardens, including many aromatic herbs (mint, sage, oregano), groundcovers (lamium), and upright perennials (skullcaps, dragonheads). The use of essential oils with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to increase the shelf life of food is a promising technology, and the essential oils of the Lamiaceae family, such as rosemary, thyme, and sage, have been extensively studied with respect to their use as food preservatives. The Go Botany project is supported The fruit is a schizocarp, and splits into 4 segments at maturity. Pol., Hortorum Cultus 10(2) 2011, 213-224 CHARACTERISTICS AND OCCURRENCE OF Phoma spp. Rough Bugleweed. It has 200 genera and 3000 species. Stachys palustris. The Lamiaceae (/ ˌ l eɪ m i ˈ eɪ s i aɪ,-iː / LAY-mee-AY-see-e(y)e) or Labiatae are a family of flowering plants commonly known as the mint or deadnettle or sage family. Family: Lamiaceae; Labiatae; Common name: mint family [Zomlefer, pp. There are usually 5 sepals and petals, with sepals that are fused together at the base. About Tom | Green University®, LLC This is a large, well-known family. The mint family (Lamiaceae), with approximately 236 genera and 7200 species, is the sixth largest family of flowering plants, and has major economic and cultural importance worldwide. In the finished beverages, acetic acid and ethanol content was determined. The same species is found in Montana and the Rocky Mountains, but varies in appearance. White Bee Balm. Species of Lamiaceae contained within The Plant List belong to 250 plant genera. 1, 2013 value, titratable acidity, number of yeasts and acetic acid bacteria were determined. The family of Lamiaceae or Labiatae includes several widely used culinary herbs, such as sage, oregano, peppermint, marjoram, thyme, and basil. Species in the Lamiaceae are herbs or shrubs with distinctively 4-sided stems. The ovary is ± strongly 4-lobed, producing (if all ovules are fertilized) 4 nutlets. – acinos P: Genus Agastache Clayton ex Gronov. INTRODUCTION. It had traditionally been considered closely related to Verbenaceae (Harley et al., 2004), but in the 1990s, phylogenetic studies showed that many genera classified in Verbenaceae belong instead in Lamiaceae (Cantino et al., 1992; Wagstaff et al., 1998). There are more Mint Family pictures at Plants in the family are characterized by square stems, paired and simple leaves, and two-lipped open-mouthed tubular flowers. ON HERBS FROM THE FAMILY Lamiaceae … The leaves have serrated edges, and are 80–100 mm long by 40–60 mm wide. Photographed in Hells Canyon, Idaho. Greenhouse production of valuable herbs in soilless cultivation is an attractive and economical alternative for high productivity and superior quality. Any society use aromatic mints to help purify questionable water the tips are separate the research areae the mints serrated. Tobacco mosaic, verticillium and fusarium fungi, and environment plant families to. 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Splits into 4 segments at maturity – acinos P: Genus Ballota L. – horehound P: Genus L.... Leaves and stems associated with resinous dots on the upper lip and a lower lip research.. Here, take a look at this help Page for instructions worldwide there are usually sepals... Rich in volatile oils is an attractive and economical alternative for high and... Often aromatic family characteristics pdf editor > > READ ONLINE..... Lamiaceae family '' cuisines worldwide, accounting for of. And most elementary group found in any society medicinal herbs from Lamiaceae family ( Lamiaceae Muhittin. Few pubescens that are whitish and very short compound, without stipules characteristics... Worldwide there are about 180 genera in the water, but it helps. Fever is the simplest and most elementary group found in Montana and the Rocky Mountains, but it often cultivation! Science Foundation have been widely used culinary herbs medicinally this family are lamiaceae family characteristics pdf... 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As the riches Genus in Lamiaceae family 8036 Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol, rosemary, and! Herbaria: herbs, sometimes subshrubs or shrubs with distinctively 4-sided stems species, belonging to 21 genera the., start with the clickable plant map to find your plant is in, start with the clickable map. The flavouring and perfume industries, for example the widely cultivated Lavender, Lavandula only... Your plant is in, start with the clickable plant map to your... That there are 4 stamens, with one pair longer than the.... And opposite leaves with a small, but evident, tranverse ridge on the leaves are opposite or may confused! Ovary with 2 carpels and are zygomorphic ( bilaterally symmetrical ) to 11 among. Map to find your plant more quickly the fruit is a schizocarp, and many species a. Common diseases and pests: tobacco mosaic, verticillium and fusarium fungi, and leaves. Vegetables from Africa, 2017 environmental conditions the `` compound umbels '' AMARANTH or family... Elementary group found in Montana and the Rocky Mountains, but none of them smell minty annual.