Of course if a prompt has shown up multiple years in a row, it's a pretty safe bet that it will show up this year. (200 words), What are your career goals? Please reflect on a difficult and challenging non-academic experience you have faced. Also, please explain any gaps in your post-graduate history. If you have a specific reason why you wish to attend SUNY Downstate or a medical school in New York City, please explain. If you are not from the 5 boroughs of New York City, describe what personal, urban experiences prepare you to live and study in New York City, and what will be your personal support system. (230 words max), If you wish to, please briefly explain below to the Admissions Committee experiences, attributes or qualifications you believe are unique to you that can add to the diversity of the educational environment at MUSM. Please be as specific as possible. How do you define respect? Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine, In previous years, have you ever applied to medical school?If you answered yes to the above question, did you apply to DMU?If you have previously applied to medical school, how has your application improved? Prompts: Why are you interested in attending the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University? (MD SELECT Program | USF Health) (1500 characters), (Suggested reading: Medical Schools in Georgia: How to Get In), (Suggested reading: How to Get Into Emory Medical School). Include the influence of key experiences with rural or medically under-served communities. (Optional), If you are not attending college during the upcoming (2020-2021) academic year, what are your plans? (3000 characters), Please discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic affected your academic preparation for medical school or opportunities for shadowing, volunteering, research, etc. (2500), Pick an example of a challenge/difficulty you have encountered that is of a personal, cultural, extra-curricular, or academic nature. University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine. I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation. UMass Medical School strives to be a diverse community mindful that diversity makes our community stronger and benefits the patients we serve. The primary purpose of the UND SMHS is to educate physicians and other health professionals for subsequent service in North Dakota and to enhance the quality of life of its people.” Given the purpose of the School, please explain how you will fulfill this mission. Are there any aspects of your experience that you are most proud of or that you feel you have been unable to highlight with your application materials already submitted? University of Central Florida College of Medicine, In this space, describe your anticipated coursework for the academic year. Get our free 66-page guide to help you with every step: Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat, BS/MD | BA/MD | BS/DO Admissions Services, Medical School Secondary Essay Prompts (Updated for 2020-2021 Cycle), please let us know how we can help you crack the the medical school admissions code, Medical Schools in Arizona: How to Get In, Medical Schools in California: How to Get In, How to Get Into Kaiser Permanente Medical School, How to Get Into Georgetown Medical School, Medical Schools in Florida: How to Get In, http://med.fau.edu/home/diversity/index.php, https://www.apha.org/topics-and-issues/health-equity/racism-and-health, Scholarly Concentrations Program | USF Health, Medical Schools in Georgia: How to Get In, How to Get Into Morehouse School of Medicine, How to Get Into Johns Hopkins Medical School, How to Get Into Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, How to Get Into Washington University School of Medicine, Medical Schools in New York: How to Get In, How to Get Into Albert Einstein College of Medicine, How to Get Into the Icahn School of Medicine, How to Get Into Weill Cornell Medical School, Medical Schools in North Carolina: How to Get In, How to Get Into the Wake Forest School of Medicine, AAMC’s Core Competencies for Entering Medical Students, How to Get Into Perelman School of Medicine, Medical Schools in South Carolina: How to Get In, How to Get Into the Baylor College of Medicine, How to Get Into Eastern Virginia Medical School, AMCAS Work and Activities: The Definitive Guide (Examples Included), Medical School Personal Statement: The Ultimate Guide (Examples Included), Medical School Secondary Essays: The Complete Guide (Examples Included). Doctors Direct launched in 2016 as part of NHS Professionals. | … (400 words), Leadership, teamwork, and communication operate synergistically. I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously. Do NOT forecast future hours. Meharry Medical College School of Medicine, (Suggested Reading: How to Get Into Meharry Medical College). (optional, 75), Have you ever been charged, convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any infractions, misdemeanors or felonies, or do you currently have any pending legal actions related to such violations? in their 2009 Lancet publication useful: “the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide”. What were the challenges? We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (300 word limit), Describe, if relevant, circumstances in your life that represent a hardship (e.g. Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. Optional, Practice Vision: In what field of medicine do you envision yourself working ten years from now? Secondary care is healthcare provided in a hospital for life-threatening emergencies and specialist treatment. Would you consider attending either campus? Please describe how you typically approach the challenges that you face in your life. ), Please write about anything else you would like to add to your application, or anything you would like to emphasize to the Admissions Committee. (Limit: 350 words), Discuss a time in your life in which you have failed at something other than an academic experience. Why should CCOM accept you into this year’s class? If none, please enter N/A. Are either of your parents a graduate of Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine? (1600 char), One of the values of the Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine is to provide the best medical care for all people. ProspectiveDoctor has compiled a database of past and current medical school secondary essay prompts from past years to help you get a head start on your secondary applications. Describe briefly any experiences and/or skills that have made you more sensitive or appreciative of other cultures or the human condition. 500 char, (Suggested reading: How to Get Into Kaiser Permanente Medical School), Question 1: During your career as a physician, you will potentially encounter many obstacles and be required to overcome many challenges. Reply. How do you feel your particular experiences, interests, and passions will add to the strength and diversity of the USF class and ultimately to the field of medicine? Optional: Additional Information Essay Is there any further information that you wish to share with the Admissions Committee? Practicing the art of medicine in this way yields a physician patient relationship (PPR) that is both therapeutic and mutually enriching. Briefly describe the reasons for your campus/site choice and comment on one or two factors that are most important to you in choosing where you wish to pursue your medical education. How To Answer Secondary Prompts About The Future, And if you’re not sure about it, this would make the reader or the interviewer pause and. (3000 characters), Is there anything else you would like to share with the Committee on Admissions? In the event you submitted an application to VCOM last year, what improvements have you made to your application? (1000 characters), Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application? What have you learned as a result? (400 words), Success can arise from failure. However, many of these same technologies have the unintended consequence of separating us from our patients, both literally and figuratively. (Communication), Describe a time when you have used your ingenuity to solve a problem. All information provided in this section must be the original work of the applicant and not from another author. Please include experiences listed on your AMCAS and also provide any additional experiences NOT listed on your AMCAS. (2000 characters), University of South Carolina School of Medicine – Columbia, University of South Carolina School of Medicine – Greenville, University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine. Describe the community in which you were nurtured or spent the majority of your early development with respect to its demographics. A letter of recommendation from the individual supervising your previous experience is helpful but not required. (2000 characters), Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. Tell us about an experience that has broadened your own worldview or enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself. No Secondary Essay prompts for this cycle. Please describe your experiences with intentionally expanding your cultural awareness in an effort to promote acceptance, respect, and inclusivity. (100 words), If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity or a commitment to a particular community, not addressed elsewhere in the application, that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. (Please limit your response to 500 words or less. (For example – poor grades, multiple withdraws, health reasons, etc. Feel free to refer to an experience previously described in your AMCAS application. Have you worked (volunteer or paid employment) with medically underserved, economically disadvantaged and/or educationally disadvantaged populations? Who is the most important person/most influential person in your life? Describe any circumstances indicative of some hardship, such as, but not limited to, financial difficulties, personal or family illness, a medical condition, a death in the immediate family or educational disadvantage not mentioned in your primary application essays; OR describe any key academic, personal, or financial barriers that COVID-19 may have posed on you or your immediate family. (250 words maximum), If your education has not been continuous since high school, please explain why. Support NHS Trusts across the UK with quality, cost effective locum cover. Please limit your response to 250 words or less. “Variability is the law of life, and as no two faces are the same, so no two bodies are alike, and no two individuals react alike and behave alike under the abnormal conditions which we know as disease.” -William Osler, “The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.” -Plato Current Word Count: (250-500 words), University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine. Here's a video about the secondary essay prompt, "Your Future as a Medical Professional": How to Address the "Academic Lapses or Breaks" Prompt: If you have an academic lapse or took a break that you wish to explain to the admissions committee, you may want to prepare this prompt in advance. University of Kentucky College of Medicine. (2000 char), University of Florida College of Medicine, If you are not a full-time student during this application cycle, in particular at any time between September 2018 and May 2019, please detail your current and planned activities below (250-500 words). If you have not participated in research or scholarly work, please indicate so in the text area below. Your responses will have no bearing on applications to joint degrees or special programs to which you might also apply. 9. Please describe what in your research about our school and its values attracts you to our institution’s mission and approach. Here are Emory University School of Medicine’s secondary questions. (250 words), Question 2: Kaiser Permanente is nationally recognized for its achievements in the realm of equity, inclusion, and diversity. Please write a brief essay explaining your ties to the State of Alabama. Where to find secondary prompts? You will have the opportunity below to tell us how you wish to be addressed, recognized and treated. If yes, please provide specifics as to how your competitiveness was impacted. Describe the single MOST important event or non-academic activity in your life and explain why it’s significant. We are all differentiated from or connected to one another by individual inflections that constitute our diversity. 1000 characters), 4. How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals? Is becoming a doctor what you really want? If there are discrepancies in your application that have not been explained in your personal statement, use this space to clarify. If yes, please provide detailed information. (1,400 characters). Required Essay 1:Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. If the answer is yes, please explain below. Have you applied to SSOM prior to this application? How did you address the situation? You may address any subject you wish, such as being a first generation college student, or being a part of a minority group (whether because of your sexual orientation, religion, economic status, gender identity, ethnicity) or being the child of undocumented immigrants or being undocumented yourself, etc. Identify the needs that you see in this family from the perspective of a student working with urban underserved uninsured populations. If you have previously applied to SIU School of Medicine, please describe how you feel you have strengthened your credentials since that application. Explain in detail an experience in which you collaborated, worked or were exposed to diverse backgrounds different from your own. Please explain. What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career? What competencies and qualities should a physician possess for practice in the 21st century? (2000 char), The University of Cincinnati is highly committed to selecting and cultivating students who can transform the field of medicine through the use of their distinct talents and attributes. Items to consider: connection(s) to Phoenix and/or our medical community, your plan during this application season, gap(s) in your education, personal and/or academic challenges. Diversity maximizes our true potential for creativity, innovation, quality patient care, educational excellence and outstanding service. In addition to training as a competent physician please select up to two additional areas of interest from the items below that you may want to pursue during your medical studies. Please describe how it went and what you learned from the experience. The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential. I will protect the dignity of my patients and the deceased, and will protect their confidential information in accordance with the prevailing standards of medical practice. For non-Utah residents: “Explain why you chose to apply to the University of Utah School of Medicine. I'm not sure which ones to pre-write or when to hold off on writing them if they don't show up for this cycle? (300 words), Please describe your most meaningful leadership positions. Keep the answer to 1500 characters. How do you plan to sustain your efforts to advocate for current social justice issues as a medical student and as a physician? In what ways do you believe you would contribute to this mission? (900-1500), If you are a re-applicant, how has your current application changed or what additional information would you like to highlight for the Admissions Committee? In the essays below, we invite you to share information about yourself with regard to two aspects of our program. If no, please enter n/a. 2020-2021. Describe the most significant community service activity in which you have participated. Please limit your answer to 300 words or less, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, “At the University of Chicago, in an atmosphere of interdisciplinary scholarship and discovery, the Pritzker School of Medicine is dedicated to inspiring diverse students of exceptional promise to become leaders and innovators in science and medicine for the betterment of humanity.”. Why do you believe CCOM would provide you with the type of osteopathic medical education you are seeking? (max 10,000 characters). Please describe the impact the experience had on you. If you have not applied to medical school previously, write “N/A” in the box. (not due to the COVID-19 pandemic) (lets you list the courses), Have you been nominated for or received an award from any state, regional or national organization? Please explain (in 250 words or less) how you expect the SCM track to enhance your medical education. (Limit 150 Words), What non-academic advice would you give to your younger self? 1,200 max characters, MIZZOU Med Essay. ... A glimpse into the future for those applying this cycle. (1,000 characters), Has your college or university, graduate or professional school attendance been interrupted for any reason? *Have you ever been convicted for violation of a regulation or law relating to controlled substances (answer YES or NO)? (150 words), A position of responsibility/authority in which others depended on you for direction. If none, please enter N/A. We encourage you to provide information and insights that may not be easily gleaned from other aspects of your medical school application. This is an opportunity to describe more about yourself to the Admissions Committee. The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences, We invite you to briefly discuss any other connections you may have to The University of Toledo, the UToledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences, the city of Toledo, or the region of Northwest Ohio or to provide additional information about the affiliations you noted above. (Max. If you have any updates or new information to report since you have submitted your AMCAS primary application, please briefly describe below. (300 words or less), If you are applying to a dual degree program, please briefly describe your motivation to pursue this program and any other pertinent information. Do you consider yourself from West Texas or as having West Texas ties? Have you applied to Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in a previous cycle? Highlight your experiences in the healthcare field. Louisiana State University – Shreveport School of Medicine, If you are not a Louisiana resident, please describe your connection, if any, to Louisiana. Please enter any additional community or volunteer experience not included on your AMCAS application. Please use the space below to communicate anything you would like to share with the admissions committee related to the pandemic. If you are not presently attending school, indicate your employment or other plans for the time prior to your planned enrollment in medical school. Has there been/will there be a gap between achieving your bachelor’s degree and expected matriculation into medical school? (2000 characters), Please briefly explain any lapses in your undergraduate education; include any in enrollment during your undergraduate education and/or any gaps between undergraduate education and applying to medical school. (No maximum), University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, Describe your particular interest in the UNE COM and describe any contact you’ve had with our students, alumni, or faculty. How did you confront the failure and what did you learn from it? West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. social distancing, quarantine). (2500 character limit), Briefly describe a situation where you had to overcome adversity; include lessons learned and how you think it will affect your career as a future physician. 7. What experiences have led you to this goal? This is an opportunity to describe learning experiences that may not be covered in other areas of this application or your AMCAS application. (OPTIONAL), Global Health Academic Concentration: Please describe your interest in Global Health. (500 words), Write a brief autobiography. Your Trusted Advisors for Admissions Succes, (Note: We recommend using this resource alongside our free, 66-page comprehensive guide to medical school applications, Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat. Essay 3Tell us something you are passionate about and why. Describe what efforts you have made to further improve your application to the MD Program. This might be a stupid question, but where do I go to get the secondary applications? Please tell us how the COVID-19 epidemic has changed the landscape of medicine from your perspective. What is the most fun you’ve had lately? Pre … The character limit for each essay is 1200 (including spaces). Understanding Psychiatric Defense Mechanisms. Please indicate if you and/or your parents are/were employed by RWJMS or other connections to Rutgers University. Please detail your reaction, how you managed the situation, and what you learned that will help you handle a similar circumstance in the future. (2000 char), Do you have any information that you would like to share with the UCF COM Medical Student Admissions Committee that has not already been addressed in your AMCAS application? A major challenge for all physicians to provide the best medical care are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Limit the essay to 1500 characters, including spaces (approximately 300 words). of your application for medical school has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? The Committee on Admissions strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important, and/or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life or work experiences. If you had paid employment during the academic year after matriculating (entering) college, how many academic years of college did you work? What core values did you receive and how will these translate into the contributions you hope to make to your community as a medical student and later as a physician? Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting: Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? Mission at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School Of Medicine (UTRGV SOM) is to educate a diverse group of medical students and future biomedical scientists; to develop physicians who will serve across all disciplines of medicine; bring hope to patients and communities by advancing biomedical knowledge through research. Include in this explanation if you will be a student, working, conducting research, volunteering, etc. Twitter; Facebook; Secondary Database Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Secondary Questions. A complete list of med school secondary prompts to help you get ahead and stay organized during your admissions process (Note: We recommend using this resource alongside our free, 66-page comprehensive guide to medical school applications, Get Into Medical School: 6 Practical Lessons to Stand Out and Earn Your White Coat .) (1500 characters), Medicine and Officership are time-honored professions that unite at “America’s Medical School” in rewarding and challenging ways. (400 words), Describe briefly something you have learned about yourself or some positive change you have made as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. It is always tough to write about yourself. Please also discuss any other impact of the pandemic that you would like the admissions executive committee to know. How Do Med Schools View Longer Undergrad Degrees? Students are a crucial part of the medical team, and often students bring innovative ideas to challenging situations. Please focus on how your interests, experiences and aspirations have prepared you for HST (rather than identifying specific HST faculty or research opportunities). Servant Leadership is a Core Value and Attribute we deem essential for our students to possess. Hackensack Meridian at Seton Hall University Secondary Essay Prompts (If you have updated prompts, please submit them at updatesecondaries.com) These prompts are from the 2020 Application Cycle. Please select all that are applicable, If you indicated that you have connections to Ohio, Wright State University or Boonshoft School of Medicine, please explain. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine. USMLE Question of the Week. Thanks for posting this! What was it about the experience that made it meaningful? In doing so, identify the values that are of greatest importance to you. I was accepted to medical school previously but did not attend. (Required - 1500 characters), Please list and briefly describe all medically related experiences (paid/volunteer) you have completed during the past 5 years. Given the mission statement of the school, please explain how your experiences and long term goals would help meet the mission. Do you have significant limitations on your interview availability for the 2019-2020 admissions cycle? In your essay, be sure to describe any personal or professional experiences that have shaped your interests, and how Global Health issues have influenced your decision to pursue a career in medicine. Includes applying to adopt, becoming a foster carer and private fostering information. Describe a significant challenge you have experienced in your life, share the strategies you employed to overcome the challenge, and what you learned from the experience. Fostering and adoption. The UAMS College of Medicine offers a combined MD/MPH degree program. Address the benefits and challenges of life in your specified community. Required Essay: Small Group Essay: If you were working on a small group project and you thought that another student wasn’t carrying his/her load, how would you handle it? Your special interest in the medical Mnemonist Podcast ; 1-Minute Preceptor Podcast ; us... Comprehensive picture of your employment around, but where do you possess as a physician/leader one to answer it vary. Completion of medical School secondary essay prompts Database - prospective Doctor Texas Southwestern medical School application role s! To COVID-19 that you prospective doctor secondary prompts bank like best about being a physician, writer ethicist... 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What you have faced and the Pacific that you haven’t explained on your entire curriculum plan for the academic! Evaluating your application or will be used in our Admissions process meaningful leadership positions you learned about as! Ideas and more ( 1000 characters ), Edward Via College of Medicine that are required to information...