If you’ve got the soul of a creative, but your eyes glaze over when you hear words like ‘financial markets’ or ‘the economy’, make it your mission to read The Economist or The American Economic Review. But being human also means that we get sick, we get demotivated, and we get distracted. Solely on the basis of anticipated structural employment shifts underlying EU job markets, future economies will increasingly require individuals in possession of strong cognitive abilities and attitudes (e.g. data analysts, software and applications developers) and engineering as well as health care providers. According to Cedefop’s forecasts, by 2020, around 42 % of 30 to 34 year olds will have high level qualifications, just above the EU’s educational attainment benchmark of 40% by 2020. the rings, parallel bars, and balance beam) as the different ways of thinking (e.g. So arm yourself with these 10 skills to future-proof your career. 2020 Aug 19;155(10):960-968. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2020.3007. The European Commision ensures the strategic steering to the Skills panorama, in line with EU policy objectives while Cedefop is responsible for the technical development of the site and the provision of data and information. This is the reality of our future, and the future is almost here! Being a critical thinker will still be a valued skillset in the next four years, according to the survey. [4] Cedefop, (2016), European sectoral trends: the next decade, Thessaloniki. Analytical skills are in demand in many industries and are listed as a requirement in many job descriptions. The COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdowns and related global recession of 2020 have created a highly uncertain outlook for the labor market and accelerated the arrival of the future of work. Technological progress (robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, genetics and biotechnology) and changing consumer tastes are driving product innovation, rendering some skills obsolete and increasing the market value of others. The ability to make sound judgement calls and the knack for strong decision-making skills is forecast to move up the list to nab the seventh spot by 2020. right type of skills to successfully navigate through an ever-changing, technology-rich work environment, and give all workers the opportunity to continuously maintain their skills, upskill and/or reskill throughout their working lives. Irrespective of how many jobs get automated and how advanced artificial intelligence becomes, employees will always be a company’s most prized resource. By contrast, employment should continue to fall in manufacturing and the primary sector (especially mining, textile and clothing or metal products, although some other activities, like motor vehicle production, may see employment grow). While early childhood education should introduce the concepts before the skills, teachers can begin the basics of adding and subtracting before children move into elementary school. ), making it a habit to sit down and create a body of work when you’re sleepy (because when your brain’s unfocused, it’s less inhibited), and using limitations as a starting point for creativity! It is therefore clear that the future EU labour market will be one that relies heavily on individuals in possession of high qualifications and skills. Base-case Mid-case Worst-case 2020 2025 Output Workforce Output Workforce Base-case £130.1bn 2,436,000 £168.9bn 2,717,000 Mid-case £128.3bn 2,405,000 £164.3bn 2,663,000 But you might need a roadmap! business and financial operations) as well as occupations closely linked to science (e.g. As Bradberry explains in an article for Forbes, ‘It affects how we manage behaviour, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results.’. Most pursued IT certifications Tasks that can be easily codifiable or automated are more susceptible to technological dislocation. Grow The 10 Top Skills That Will Land You High-Paying Jobs by 2020, According to the World Economic Forum They surveyed 350 executives across 9 … The overwhelming response from HR officers and company strategists was that when it comes to desirable skillsets, ‘overall, social skills—such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others — will be in higher demand across industries’ of the future. BOSTON, Dec. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Reducing the mismatch between the skills a workforce possesses and the tasks that it needs to perform is critical to … Data analysts earn an annual salary between $83,750 and $142,500 per year, according to the Robert Half Technology (RHT) 2020 Salary Guide. Association Between Surgeon Technical Skills and Patient Outcomes JAMA Surg. Many argue that we should not underestimate that new technologies can actually foster deskilling of work. This doesn’t mean that you’ll be expected to solve the world’s problems. While some of these skills, such as empathy, are innate, others, such as advanced communication, can be honed and taught. To find out how to become a better negotiator, here are five things great negotiators always do. [4]. In saying that, there are ways to unleash the creative within you by exercising curiosity and self-expression on a regular basis. You can also point to your skills in the job description. This is, after all, why data analysts are frequently predicted to be a ‘hot’ occupation that will be in high demand in forthcoming decades (now you wish you had not made fun of the geeky statisticians at school or college, right?). Positive or negative employment growth is derived on the basis of Cedefop’s skills forecasts. Start getting a whole lot more comfortable with data. A majority of job growth is expected to be concentrated in business services (in particular the ICT sector, real estate and professional and scientific services), as well as in some non-marketed services (e.g. Co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry explains that emotional intelligence ‘is the other kind of smart.’ It’s that intangible ‘something’ that helps us tune into the kaleidoscope of human emotions, and measures how adept we are at adjusting our behaviour depending on the mood of a colleague, partner, family member, or even our own internal feelings. In aggregate, between 2016 and 2030, demand for social and emotional skills will grow across all industries by 26 percent in the United States and by 22 percent in Europe. If you’re able to connect the dots with seemingly disparate information, and throw all the ideas together to present something ‘new’, then you are a creative person. From the supply-side EU economies are also expected to enjoy the dividends of their strong investment in more educated workforces. So strap yourself into the Delorean and rev up that flux capacitor. Career FAQs markets a range of courses from leading Australian tertiary education providers, and receives a commission from them for each prospective student. Source: Cedefop European skills and jobs survey (available here). Topping the list as the most desired skill to have by 2020 is complex problem-solving ability — defined by the report as the capacity ‘to solve novel, ill-defined problems in complex, real-world settings.’. Because we’re far better at social interaction and negotiations than robots are (for the time being, anyway). Human beings are more creative, better at reading each other, and able to piggyback off each other’s ideas and energy. I wanted to make the reading challenge more relevant, since it is such a big time commitment. The projections present a consistent picture of likely trends across Europe, providing results for all … clerks, agriculture or metal workers) – fostering the so-called ‘polarisation’ of the EU labour market. Your career (and your brain) will thank you for it. Evidence from Cedefop’s European skills and jobs survey, Thessaloniki and Cedefop, Analysing skill mismatch Project, [3] More information about Cedefop forecasts, including the most recent data are available here. 7 Skills Managers Will Need In 2025 As you plan your management career years from now, here are the skills you’ll need to succeed. A recent World Economic Forum report on the Future of jobs [1], for instance, cites one popular estimate, namely that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in jobs that do not yet exist as of today. Self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, quantum computing — these are no longer the fantasies of sci-fi authors or Hollywood directors. The ability to make sound judgement calls and the knack for strong decision-making skills is forecast to move up the list to nab the seventh spot by 2020. Although many data sources and anecdotal evidence would lead us to expect that in the future there will be skills upgrading in most occupations, the jury is still out. Skills are measured by occupations and by formal level of qualifications. Thankfully this is not a skill that anyone is born with. Collaboration is crucial in any work environment and this is something that thankfully humans are still better at than robots! Skills and ICT (information and communications technology) usage share a positive relationship, with the higher the skill levels, the higher is the … By surveying the chief HR officers at some of the world’s leading companies, the World Economic Forum has released The Future of Jobs report revealing the top 10 skills you’ll need by 2020. Now, don’t worry! Figure 1 further highlights some broad occupational groups that are likely to have stable or unstable skills profiles, according to Cedefop’s own European skills and jobs survey. Being a great manager has a lot to do with emotional intelligence, knowing how to delegate, and developing your own management style. Skills Comparison Chart AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Partnership for 21st-Century Skills National Education Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Students 1. At the same time demographic, socioeconomic forces and other drivers are shaping the available skill supply and demand in our economies. The baseline scenario presents the ‘most likely to happen’ future for skills supply and demand in Europe up to 2025. active learning, ICT literacy) as well as high levels of cross-functional skills (social skills, complex problem-solving, resource-management). The issue of what are the jobs and skills that will be needed in the future economy is a million-dollar question. [Photo: Oli Kellett/Getty Images] Often, employers pay special attention to the skills section of your resume to determine if you should move on to the next step of the hiring process. There is simply no one way to creatively problem-solve something. Coordinating with others involves strong communication skills, an awareness of other people’s strengths and weaknesses, and being able to work with a range of different personalities. Furthermore, in the recent past employment growth has also been positive for some low- or middle-skilled occupations (such as cleaners and helpers, assemblers, sales workers) and has declined for many middle-skill jobs (e.g. Receive a monthly email summary of recently published Skills Panorama blog articles. So how do we flex our cognitive muscles? This page will be updated soon to include the tuition and fees deduction that has been extended to cover qualified education expenses paid in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Emotional intelligence literally informs every interaction we have. Perhaps the best forecast of all therefore seems to be that you should stop wondering what are the skills of the future and start asking yourself ‘what skills should I acquire so that I decrease the chances of a robot becoming the boss of me?’. 2021-2025 Outlook The table below outlines the headline impact that each scenario Strict and widespread lockdown would have on construction output and workforce. For many years Cedefop has carried out the European skills forecasts [3], a wide-scale exercise that projects the evolution of skill demand and supply in EU economies, assuming that past labour market trends and various assumptions regarding GDP and productivity growth are realised. Rather than a list of specific domain skills that will be in the greatest demand on our journey to 2025, I believe that those skills are in fact the willingness to accept and embrace change, being adaptive to new workplace structures that combine internal and external resources and a commitment to acquiring new knowledge. According to some studies, problem-solving skills can be improved by playing a lot of video games! BOSTON, Dec. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Reducing the mismatch between the skills a workforce possesses and the tasks that it needs to perform is critical to increasing overall productivity. — cognitive flexibility is how quickly (and easily) you can swing, leap and twirl back and forth between different systems of thought. Figure 1: Degree of (recent and anticipated) change in skill profiles across jobs, 2014, EU28. In the UK, for instance, several occupations (senior- and lower-level public administrators and leisure and travel service occupations, such as travel agents, leisure assistants and air and rail travel assistants) have seen falling levels of influence and discretion over time. [5]. Without making a connection between life and math, children can become confused about the information provided in a classroom. Hard skills are the qualifications required to do the job. Having strong complex problem-solving skills is about being able to see the big picture, zero in on minute details, and move things around to make a difference. By learning new things and in particular, learning new ways of thinking. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursue their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. The intensity of the above-mentioned trends varies markedly between different EU countries and sectors. By comparison, the aforementioned 33 percent growth rate for statistician jobs in the U.S. translates to 13,500 additional openings by 2026. And indeed, it is hard to predict the skills of the future since we are at the cusp of the 4th Industrial Revolution, so the skills that economies will need are changing rapidly in many industries and workplaces. Adding and subtracting. But we need not make policy decisions regarding our future education and training investments in the dark – we can make some informed and educated guesses, relying on and learning from historical trends based on relevant data sources. While IBM’s supercomputer Watson and its legal-savvy companion ROSS are giving humans a run for their money in the critical thinking department, organisations in 2020 will see critical thinkers as highly employable, and a welcome addition to any team. On average, by 2020, more than a third of the desired core skill sets of most occupations will be comprised of skills that are not yet considered crucial to the job today, according to our respondents. Incorporate Skills Into Your Resume: On your resume, include a skills section that lists out relevant skills. Learners use skills, resources, & tools to inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. The extent to which technological revolutions will continue replacing specific jobs (including white-collar jobs) or creating new complementary opportunities in the future will therefore depend on the nature of the tasks required to perform them. A relatively transparent picture therefore emerges as to the most important skills in the future, giving clear indications as the desirable direction of our education and training policies. For instance, if you're applying for a job where you need legal knowledge and the ability to communicate with clients successfully, you can include similar experience in job descriptions. Online ahead of print. These are your people skills—interpersonal skills, communication skills, and other qualities that enable you to be successful in the workplace. 5 Pioneering Skills You’ll Need By 2025. Industries earmarked to revolutionise the future and generate billions if not trillions for the global economy include genomics, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.Â. ‘Such non-routine interaction is at the heart of the human advantage over machines.’. [2] Not surprisingly, professionals and technicians in the rapidly changing ICT, health, electronics and professional and scientific services sectors are more likely to be susceptible to changing skills profiles required for their jobs, as opposed to other lower- or medium-skilled occupations typically involving less technologically-exposed tasks. Try these strategies to become a more critical thinker. Dublin, Dec. 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Linear Motion System Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2020 - 2025)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. On current trends the proportion of 30-34 year olds with high-level qualifications will remain stable at … So what do we learn from the latest 2016 Cedefop projections? How can you improve your decision-making skills immediately? Many futurologists claim to know the answer, yet an honest response to this question should be ‘can anyone really know with certainty?’. If you think of your brain as a gymnast’s floor, and imagine all the different apparatuses (e.g. First, figure out what questions or problems you want to answer, then set aside time to explore new data tools and technologies that can help you collect this information. Recent data from the Cedefop European skills and jobs survey (Figure 2), which pictured the profiles of skill needs of occupations in EU job markets, has highlighted that the job types most threatened by automation are those reliant on physical or manual skills, numerical skills as well as customer service skills. Even people in purely technical occupations will soon be expected to show greater interpersonal skills, and being able to negotiate with your colleagues, managers, clients and teams will be high up on the list of desirable skills. While technical skills will always be important, personal skills, or soft skills, have become the most sought-after skills in employment today. The World Economic Forum says we’re on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0), and you don’t need to have seen Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner or Steven Spielberg’s A.I Artificial Intelligence to know that this next one is going to change everything. Underestimate that new technologies can actually foster deskilling of work lot of video games Cedefop ’ s forecasts... Across jobs, 2014, EU28 and Performance the comparisons between 2020 skills and 2025 skills for Students 1 mean that you’ll expected...:960-968. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2020.3007 these roles is also promising a mental gymnast and develop solutions—and you likely already possess analytical... How the human advantage over machines.’ 4.0 will be marked by lightning-speed advancements and mind-boggling change as brings... Of 5.3 % over the forecast period of 2020 to 2025 engineering as well health! 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